Updated Chalk Paint Guide for 2023
Exciting News! I finally got to add my very own paint line to add to this chart.
In 2023 I joined forces with Miss Lillians Chock Paint to create Sue's Hues Porcelain Paint.
I took all the qualities that I loved about all the paint lines I've used over the years and had Miss Lilian's work her recipe magic.
What resulted is my perfect paint. It comes in the most intense colors, has at least 6 pinks and 5 purples, reconsitutes with water and blends like a dream.
This paint works for many of my needs, but not all of them. There is no need to choose just one paint. My chart helps you pick the paint based on your specific product since no paint is a one size fits all.
It's just awesome when paints keep reinventing themselves so we have more options to choose from.
Hello there:
I have been painting furniture for at least 20 years. From my first painted "upcycled" refrigerator/stereo cabinet in college, to painting all the roadside rescues that have furnished my homes throughout the years.
I started painting ages before this thing called "Chalk Paint" came into the picture. Let's face. Cavemen beat us to it a few years back. I mean, they were chalk painting way before it was branded and marketed, and before it started coming in much prettier colors than "Bone" and "Dried blood".
So, I do know a thing or two about how to test drive paint. Vrroom Vrroom!
I know the good, the bad, and the ugly. How to really push it to the limit and see if it holds up.
What Chalk Paints Have I tested
Why I use what where and why I don't use certain brands anymore.
In order of appearance I compare homemade chalk paint, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, Debi's Design Diary Chalk and Clay Paint, Daydream Apothecary, and Dixie Belle Paint as well as myn own paint line, Sue's Hue's Porcelain paint.

I tell you how I ended up at each paint, what I like, and what was challenging.
Please note that these are my own personal experiences and I want to share them with you honestly and truthfully but they are only my opinions. Please do let me know what you think of my assessments. Do you agree or have you had a different experience? Id love to hear it!
Also please tell me if there is a paint you would like me to test drive for you. I love to experiment!
Make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel so that you will get a alert for my next laugh and learn video.

Don't miss a thing
Are you a DIYer at heart? Looking for inspiration? Sign up for my email so you are always in the loop! www.stan.store/tanglewoodsue
Local to Washington D.C./Maryland?
I'd be happy to get you on my list for custom-painted furniture. Here is all the information on my process.
If you want to move forward please email me at sue at tanglewoodworks dot com.
I can work with your furniture or we can hunt for the perfect piece for you.
Tanglewood Sue, Furniture Artist
Let's connect: IG @tanglewoodsueFB @TanglewoodSue
1 comment
Sue i just love your spirit not to mention your beautiful style of painting, and color choice.